Avocado Egg Boats

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If you are looking for some new things to do with avocado you have come to the right place! Check out these seasoned keto and gluten-free baked avocado egg boats. 

A white plate with avocados filled with eggs and spices and a sign that says Avocado Egg Boats Recipe | Avocado Egg Boats | The Radiant Root

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If you’re seeking a delectable yet nutritious breakfast that’s quick to prepare, then avocado egg boats are your answer! This recipe ingeniously melds the velvety goodness of avocados with the protein-rich excellence of eggs, yielding a breakfast dish bursting with flavor and satiety. 

Its adaptability shines through with the ability to tailor toppings and spices to suit various taste preferences, all while presenting a visually stunning meal that’s sure to leave a lasting impression on your loved ones.

This is great for those days when you are looking for a one-pan breakfast that is filling and not one of your usual egg and avocado recipes. 

So read on to learn how to bake an egg in an avocado in under 30 minutes for a great breakfast or snack. 

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Why youll love this recipe

I love this baked egg and avocado recipe! Here are some reasons why you’ll love it too: 

  • It’s nutritious. Avocados are a great source of healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins, while eggs are a good source of protein. This recipe combines both to create a nutritious and filling meal.
  • It is easy to make. The recipe is relatively easy and quick to make, making it a great option for busy mornings or lazy weekends.
  • It is versatile. The recipe can be customized with different toppings and spices to suit individual preferences. Some popular toppings include bacon, cheese, salsa, and herbs.
  • It is delicious. Many people find the combination of creamy avocado and runny egg yolk to be delicious and satisfying.
  • It is Instagram-worthy. The colorful and attractive presentation of the avocado egg boats makes them a great option for sharing on social media.

Avocado is a fruit

Did you know that an avocado is actually a fruit? Fruits have seeds surrounded by fleshy pulp. As you will see when you cut an avocado in half there is a gray seed inside the middle of the green stuff.

According to botanists, It is actually a large one-seed berry. 

However, it does differ from other fruits in how it tastes. It has more of a savory taste making it to be typically categorized with vegetables.

Are avocados good for you?

Yes, there are several potential health benefits of avocados. This fruit has been associated with weight loss. They also contain nutrients that may help improve memory and gut health, as well as reduce inflammation and heart disease risk.

Avocado nutritional information

The potential health benefit of eating avocado has to do with the many vitamins and minerals found in this food.

Here is a breakdown of the avocado nutrition facts. One 7-ounce (201-gram) avocado contains the following:

  • 322 calories 
  • 4 grams protein
  • 17 grams carb
  • 14 grams fiber
  • 20 mg vitamin C (22% of the daily value (DV))
  • 4 mg Vitamin E (28% of the DV)
  • 42 micrograms of Vitamin K (35% of the DV)
  • 0.13 mg B2 (11% of the DV)

Though high in fat, the majority (19.7 grams) of fat in avocados is monounsaturated; a healthy fat.

In addition to healthy fat and protein avocados have vitamins and minerals in avocado that contribute to the possible health benefits. These include the following:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Fiber
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Niacin (B3)
  • Pantothenic acid (B5)
  • Pyridoxine (B6)
  • Folate
  • Copper
  • Manganese

Other avocado nutrition benefits come from lutein, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene found in this fruit. These are phenolic compounds that work as antioxidants. They protect from inflammation and are another reason why avocados are good for you. 

This should answer the question, “Why is avocado good for you.”

There are various ways to eat avocado 

There are so many different ways to eat avocado. They can be added to salads, dressings, and smoothies. 

Can you cook avocado?

Some may think the best way to eat avocado is raw, but while less common, cooking avocado in a number of ways can lead to some tasty dishes. 

A few ways of how to cook avocados include: grilling, frying, and baking.

Benefits of eggs

There are also benefits to eating eggs. One large boiled egg contains the following nutrients:

  • 78 calories
  • 6 grams protein
  • 1 grams carbs
  • 5 grams fat
  • 294 mg Choline  (53% of the RDA)
  • 87 IU Vitamin D (10% of the RDA)
  • 149 mcg of Vitamin A (16% of the RDA)
  • 172 mg Phosphorus (25% of the RDA)
  • 31 mg Selenium (56% of the RDA)
  • 1.1 Zinc (13% of the RDA)
  • 1.4 mg Pantothenic acid (25% of the RDA)
  • 0.5 mg Riboflavin (B2) (47% of the RDA)
  • 44 mg Folate (11% of the RDA)

This shows eggs are a good source of choline, vitamin D, vitamin A, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, B2, and folate. 

Eggs also contain small amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6,  vitamin B12, vitamin E, and vitamin K which are essential nutrients as well.

The potential benefits of these vitamins and minerals include brain and immune health as well as lowering inflammation.

Like avocados, eggs also have antioxidants. Lutein and zeaxanthin are substances that may improve skin and eye health.

Should you worry about the cholesterol in eggs?

Eggs are low in fat and contain about 2 grams of saturated fat. The other 3 grams are healthy fats with 2 grams coming from monounsaturated fat and 1 gram from polyunsaturated fat.

Eggs do contain 186 mg of cholesterol. At one time eggs were considered a food that should be avoided due to the high cholesterol level. However, newer research shows that cholesterol in the diet does not increase blood cholesterol levels. Eating eggs may also increase the “good” HDL cholesterol.

Results may also vary from person to person. Some people have no problem eating eggs. Others have issues with this food and will have a mild increase in their total and LDL cholesterol after consuming them.

Some research tells people with familial hypercholesterolemia and the ApoE4 gene to limit or avoid eggs. Other evidence says having an egg a day is okay.

If you have an egg sensitivity it could cause inflammation

Another thing to consider is that the cholesterol problem could be attributed to egg sensitivity. When we have an intolerance to certain foods it sends a signal to the body to produce inflammation. This will tell the body there are damaged cells and it needs to send out LDL cholesterol.

As a result, your cholesterol level will increase.

The thing to remember is that everyone is different so see how eggs affect your body and go from there.

What type of eggs to look for

The quality of your eggs can have a bearing on the nutrition of that food. Look for pastured organic eggs* if possible. 

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Avocados with eggs make a nutritious meal

As you can see with all the nutrients in these foods the paring of avocados and eggs makes for a wholesome meal. An avocado and egg breakfast will start your day off right by fueling your body and brain.

If avocados for breakfast sounds like a weird idea, just remember how popular and delicious avocado egg toast became.

The best thing about an avocado egg breakfast is it not only increases your vegetable intake but will also give you a good source of fiber, protein, and healthy fat. 

These nutrients will fill you up and keep your body satisfied. That is why the egg avocado breakfast is a meal I can get behind.

If you’re wondering what things to make with avocados and eggs. Here are some of the best ways to eat avocado and egg together:

  • Place a slice of avocado on top of a fried egg
  • Scramble eggs and mix in chunks or mashed avocado
  • An avocado egg sandwich or avocado egg toast

As noted above one of the most popular of these avocado recipes with eggs is avocado egg toast. For me, it will have to be the gluten-free variety*.

In addition to these avocado egg breakfast ideas, I found a new favorite recipe for avocado and egg. 

The best part is it is so simple and even cute! It is baked avocado egg boats! 

Avocado baked with an egg is probably one of the most straightforward avocado and egg breakfast ideas you can make. 

These stuffed avocado boats will provide nice nutrition that can be sampled in the morning or as a snack later in the day.

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Avocado egg boats recipe nutrition per serving

If you want to know the full nutrition of this particular egg recipe scroll down to the recipe card. But here are the deets that make this baked avocado egg recipe super nutritious. One avocado egg boat consists of one serving. 

In each baked egg in an avocado cup you will get the following:

  • 6 grams protein
  • 3 grams carbs
  • 6 grams fat
  • 1 gram fiber

Baked avocado egg boats could be dubbed as paleo or ketoavocado egg boats

These nutrition stats show avocado baked with egg falls into a low-carb, high-fat, and paleo-friendly recipe. So if you’re in need of keto recipes for breakfast look no further than this baked eggs avocado recipe.

With their low carb and higher fat content, these avocado egg boats should be called ketoavocado egg boats or keto-baked avocado egg boats. So no worries about your diet since these are baked avocado egg boats keto friendly. 

Read on to learn how to make this Read on to get all the information on what goes into creating this egg-baked avocado recipe.

How to make egg in avocado

Of the different ways to eat avocados, cooking an egg in an avocado is one of the easier ways to consume this food.

Baking avocado egg requires little prep so you can have an egg cooked in avocado in about 30 minutes.

The next couple of sections will go over the following information:

  • Ingredients needed for this bake-egg-in-avocado recipe
  • A step-by-step breakdown of how to cook an egg in an avocado
  • Tips & Tricks to improve baking avocado with egg
  • Additions to dress up your recipe
  • Substitutions if you can’t find a certain ingredient
  • Variations of how to cook avocado with egg

Ingredients needed to make avocado egg boats

This baked-egg-in-avocado recipe takes little effort thanks to the few ingredients.  Here is what you will need to make baked avocado egg boats:

  • Eggs
  • Avocados
  • Garlic powder
  • Basil (dried)
  • Parsley (dried)


The eggs in this recipe contribute a richness to the dish. Their neutral yet umami flavor also offers a savory taste that complements the other ingredients. 


Avocados have a rich, creamy texture that adds a luxurious and smooth element to the dish. Additionally, the avocado’s subtle nutty flavor pairs well with the other ingredients.

Garlic powder

Garlic powder adds a savory and aromatic flavor to the dish, enhancing the overall taste.


Dried basil contributes a sweet, herbal flavor and a pleasant aroma to the dish.


Dried parsley adds a mild, fresh flavor and bright green color to the dish.

Combining avocado and egg creates a harmonious blend of textures and flavors. The creaminess of avocado complements the richness of the eggs, resulting in a velvety and satisfying mouthfeel. 

The mild, nutty notes of avocado work well with the savory umami flavor of eggs, creating a balanced and delicious combination. The result is a flavorful and enjoyable dish that is a delight to the taste buds and also offers a good source of essential nutrients.

Avocado Egg Boats Ingredient Photo: A wooden table with two large avocados halved lengthwise and pitted next to a glass bowl with 4 eggs, a small glass dish with dried basil, next to a small clear glass dish of garlic powder and then another small glass dish with parsley | bake an egg in avocado | The Radiant Root

How to make baked avocado egg boats (step-by-step instructions)

Here are the steps for making this baked avocado with eggs recipe. 

1. Start by preheating the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. 

2. Prep the avocados. Wash and cut the avocados in half lengthwise. Remove the pit. 

If you feel like you need more room to fit the egg you can also use a spoon to scoop out a little avocado flesh.

Once you have the avocados prepped you can set them aside. 

3. In a small mixing bowl* add parsley, garlic,

Avocado Egg Boats Instruction photos 1 and 2 of 8: Two photos on the left is a wooden table with a small clear glass bowl containing parsley, Above it says “dried parsley” with a red arrow pointing to the right photo showing the same clear glass bowl on a wooden table with the dried parsley and garlic powder. It above it reads “garlic powder” | stuffed avocado eggs | The Radiant Root

and basil. Then blend together and set aside.

Avocado Egg Boats Instruction photos 3 and 4 of 8: Two photos on the left is a wooden table with a small clear glass bowl containing parsley, garlic powder, and dried basil. Above it reads “dried basil” with a red arrow pointing to the right photo showing the same clear glass bowl on a wooden table with the ingredients well blended. It above it reads “blend together.” | The Radiant Root | egg and avocado recipes | The Radiant Root

4. Place the avocado halves on a baking sheet and line them up next to each other so they will not fall over.

Avocado Egg Boats Instruction photos 5 of 8: A wooden table with a baking sheet containing four avocado halves pitted next to each other | bake an egg in an avocado. It reads “place the avocado halves on a baking sheet.”| The Radiant Root

5. Then take an egg and carefully crack it open into the avocado hole. Be careful not to break the yolk. Repeat with the rest of the eggs until all avocado holes are filled with egg. 

Avocado Egg Boats Instruction photos 6 of 8: A wooden table with a baking sheet containing four avocado halves with a whole raw egg sitting inside the avocado hole. It says “crack the eggs into the avocado halves.” | The Radiant Root | Ways to Eat Avocado | The Radiant Root

6. Then take the bowl with the spice mixture and spoon out the spices on top of the avocados until it is well covered

Avocado Egg Boats Instruction photos 7 of 8: A wooden table with a baking sheet containing four avocado halves with a whole raw egg sitting inside the avocado hole topped with the spice mixture covering the entire top of the avocado half. It reads “Top with seasoning until it is well covered.”| Avocados with Eggs | The Radiant Root

7. Take the baking sheet with the stuffed avocado with egg and place it in the oven. Cook them for about 20 to 25 minutes. The yolk and egg whites should be fully cooked.

If you want less cooked yolks, baking egg-in-avocado should last about 12 to 15 minutes otherwise you can cook them another 5 to 10 minutes to get that over-hard type of egg.

I like a more set yolk so I cooked the eggs for about 25 minutes.

8. Let the avocado egg boast cool for 5 minutes and enjoy

Avocado Egg Boats Instruction photos 8 of 8: A white plate containing a close up photo of the cooked baked avocado egg boats. It reads “let cool and enjoy.” | avocado egg breakfast | The Radiant Root

Dress up your avocado egg boats with additional ingredients

In this baked egg-on-avocado recipe, I kept the spices simple because this is what I had in the house.

However, you can feel free to get fancy with your toppings. You can use fresh herbs and spices if you are so inclined.

If you’re looking to make it a fun infusion some additional things you can add to these avocado egg boats are 

  • Crispy bacon to make it a baked avocado egg bacon boat
  • Cheese or vegan cheese 
  • Chives or green onions
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Salt
  • Peppers
  • Chopped ham
  • Crumbled sausage
  • Greens like spinach or kale
  • Smoked salmon
  • Salsa
  • Hummus
  • Guacamole
  • Dill Dip

If you want to turn these baked avocado egg boats with bacon you want to chop the bacon into small pieces and cook them with the

Some toppings should be added after cooking. These include chives or green onions. 

If you add cheese, you will make an egg-baked avocado with cheese. Be sure to cook the avocado egg boats for about 10 minutes then top with cheese and finish cooking until the yolk and whites are at your desired consistency.

You can also add a pinch of cumin and cayenne pepper to make spicy egg avocado taco boats.

Tips & tricks to get great avocado egg boats

Here are some tips to make your stuffed avocado eggs recipe come out great. 

  • Look for large just ripe avocados
  • Smaller eggs
  • Gadgets to prep avocados
  • Lean the avocados together to prevent spills 
  • Take care when cracking the eggs
  • Don’t overcook your eggs
  • Be careful placing them in the oven
  • Make your eggs scrambled

Get large ripe avocados

Get just ripe avocados. You want them to be soft to scoop but not too mushy. Ripe avocados have a stem that easily comes off. They often are also dark green to nearly black in color. The best way to tell if an avocado is ripe is to gently squeeze it.

If it yields to the pressure but will not be mushy then it’s ripe. Avoid avocados that have bruises or blemishes. 

Be sure your avocados are as large as possible. This ensures the hole to hold the egg will be large enough.

If you can only find medium avocados you can scoop* out some of the flesh to make a bigger space to fit the egg.

Take the leftover avocado flesh and add it to your salad.

Get smaller eggs

Make sure your eggs are as small as possible. When doing this avocado egg bake recipe I had quite the trouble finding small-sized eggs. It seemed like most of the eggs in the store were large or jumbo-sized.

I finally was able to find small eggs at Whole Foods*. Using an online grocer like Amazon Fresh* or Instacart* might be helpful to find these as well.

Gadgets might help with slicing the avocadoes

Need help with slicing and pitting your avocados? These gadgets* might come in handy.

Prevent spills by leaning the avocadoes against each other

Lean the avocado halves against each other so the egg will not spill over. You can also place them in a baking dish before cooking to ensure they don’t fall over.

Take care when cracking the eggs

In this recipe, I cracked the egg directly into the egg. If you do this and have some of the egg white spills into the dish don’t worry. 

This happened to me even with small eggs. It will be fine as long as you get most of the egg in the avocado.

But if you are afraid of breaking the yolk you can crack the egg into a small mixing bowl* and then pour it into the avocado. You can leave behind what doesn’t fit in the avocado.

Try not to overcook your baked egg avocado boats

Check your avocado egg boats halfway through cooking at around 10 minutes to see if they are at your desired consistency if not you can cook for another 5 to 10 minutes.

Be careful placing the eggs in the oven so they don’t fall over. In this recipe I used a baking sheet but if you want to put them in a glass dish that can help the eggs from falling out.

Put scrambled eggs in the avocado egg boat recipe

If you don’t want to eat the egg white and yolk separately alternatively, you can scramble the egg and spices first. Then add the egg spice mixture to the avocado hole and bake following the recipe below for the egg baked in an avocado.

What to serve with baked egg in avocado?

If you need help finding what goes good with avocado egg boats here are some ideas for a side dish.

I always like to add as many veggies to my meals as possible so you could add a sweet potato hash, a berry breakfast patty, or a protein muffin. You can also just add some gluten-free toast*.

How to store avocado egg cups

If you have leftovers of these eggs-baked-in-avocado recipe you want to take a moment to read this section on egg and avocado storage.

How long do avocados last in the fridge?

Avocados that have been uncut can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks. They will ripen at a slower pace than if they are left on the counter.

You may be wondering how to store cut avocado and how to save avocado egg boats that are leftover. The answer is yes. The instructions on how to store avocado egg boats are similar to how to store half an avocado.

Place any leftover avocado egg boats in a container with a sealable lid. It will stay fresh in the refrigerator for a week. 

I also came across these avocado savers on Amazon* and they looked like they might be helpful at keeping the avocado egg boats fresh.

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Can you freeze avocado egg bake?

You can also freeze avocado egg boats that are left over. These will be good for about one week as well.

How to reheat these avocado egg boats

If you have any leftover egg boats you can reheat them in one of the following ways: oven, toaster oven, steamer, air fryer, stovetop, or microwave.

Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Place the egg boats on a baking sheet and cook for 10-15 minutes or until they are at your desired warmth. Be careful not to overheat the avocados. 

Reheating in the toaster oven requires a lower temperature, about 250°F (120°C). Place the egg boats directly on the rack or a baking sheet. Cook for a few minutes until warmed.

To reheat avocado egg boats in a steamer, place them in the steamer basket, and steam for approximately 5 to 7 minutes. Check periodically for doneness; they are ready when heated through and the eggs are cooked to your preference. Adjust the time as needed based on your steamer and the initial temperature of the avocado egg boats.

On the stovetop heat a non-stick skillet over low to medium heat and place the avocado egg boat face-down in the skillet. Cover it with a lid to help the egg cook evenly. Check periodically until it’s heated through.

To reheat the avocado eggs boast in the air fryer cook at 300°F (150°C) for 3 to 5 minutes, checking for desired warmth.

You can also reheat them in the microwave but there is the possibility they will explode. To avoid this cook for 20 to 30-second intervals until it is heated to the desired warmth. 

Be careful not to overheat your baked avocado and egg leftovers as they will become too mushy. The exact time needed may vary depending on your specific reheating method and the size of the avocado egg boat, so use your discretion and check periodically.

Can you make baked avocado eggs ahead of time?

There is some debate over whether you can make this avocado egg bake recipe ahead of time. Some feel that making them ahead of time is fine, while others say that having the avocado egg baked fresh is the best way to eat them and that re-cooking the egg and avocado may not work well. 

Since this is a quick recipe it is recommended to make this breakfast recipe the same day you are going to eat them. 

However, if you are really strapped for time it is best to prep your ingredients ahead of time but be sure not to not cook them until the day you are ready to eat. Here is what 

Yes, you can prepare avocado egg boats ahead of time to save time on busy mornings or when entertaining guests. Follow the instructions above and in the recipe card. 

Instead of cooking carefully wrap each filled avocado boat with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Ensure they are sealed tightly to prevent exposure to air. 

Then place the wrapped avocado egg boats in the refrigerator. They can be stored this way for up to 24 hours before baking.

When you’re ready to cook the avocado eggs follow the baking instructions below.

By preparing them ahead of time, you can have a convenient and delicious breakfast or snack ready to go with minimal effort when needed.

Common and FAQ

Is avocado and egg a good combination?

Avocado and eggs make a delightful and nutritious pairing. Their combination offers a creamy texture, balanced nutrition, enhanced flavor, and versatility in various dishes. Together, they provide satiety and are a popular choice for a wholesome meal.

How do you put an egg in an avocado?

To put an egg in an avocado, follow these steps to make an Avocado Egg Boat:
Prepare the Avocado: Cut and pit a ripe avocado, creating two halves.
Hollow the Avocado: Scoop out a bit of flesh to make room for the egg
Place on a baking tray: Put the avocado halves on a baking sheet next to each other leaning on one another to help them stand up
Add the Egg: Crack an egg into the avocado hollow.
Season and Customize: Season with your favorite seasonings.
Bake: Bake at 425°F (218°C) for 20-25 minutes until the egg is cooked to your liking.
Serve: Let cool and enjoy your avocado egg boats.

What does avocado go with?

Avocado pairs well with citrus fruits, tomatoes, leafy greens, proteins like chicken or salmon, eggs, and bread for avocado toast. It’s also great in salsas, dips, and cheese platters, and it complements spices, herbs, grains, and other fruits like mango or strawberries. Avocado’s mild flavor makes it versatile and suitable for a wide range of dishes.

Equipment used in this recipe*

I used the following equipment in this egg avocado bake recipe:

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Avocado Egg Boats Recipe (recipe card)

This avocado and egg recipe is a gluten-free and keto recipe that is super easy to make and features protein and healthy fat.
Course Appetizer, Breakfast, lunch, Snack, vegetable
Cuisine corn-free, gluten-free, Mediterranean, paleo
Keyword 30 minute meal, 30 minute snack, additive free seasoning, antioxidants, appetizers, baked vegetables, breakfast, easy breakfast, healthy fat, low carb, oven baked, paleo, vegetables, whole30
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Servings 4
Calories* 252kcal


  • 4 small eggs
  • 2 large avocados pitted and sliced in half lengthwise
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp dried parsley
  • 1 tsp dried basil


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Prepare the avocados by washing, cutting them in half lengthwise, removing the pit, and optionally scooping out a bit of avocado flesh if more space is needed for the egg, then set the avocado halves aside.
  • In a small mixing bowl add parsley, garlic powder, and basil. Then blend together and set aside.
  • Take the avocado halves and place them on a baking sheet. Make sure to line them next to each other so they will not fall over.
  • Take an egg and crack it open into the avocado hole. Be careful not to break the yolk. Repeat with the rest of the eggs until all avocado holes are filled with egg.
  • Spoon out the spice mixture on top of the avocados until it is well covered. Repeat until all avocado halves are covered.
  • Place the baking sheet with the avocados in the oven for about 20 to 25 minutes until the yolk is fully cooked.
  • Let the egg boats cool for 5 minutes and enjoy



This section includes recipe tips and hints, options for additions or substitutions, various ways to customize the dish, as well as instructions on storing and reheating any remaining leftovers.


Recipe tips and tricks

Consider these tips to ensure your stuffed avocado egg recipe turns out wonderfully.
Cook for less time if you want runny eggs
If you want less cooked yolks, baking egg-in-avocado should last about 12 to 15 minutes otherwise you can cook them another 5 to 10 minutes to get an over-hard type of egg.
Get large, riper avocados
Be sure your avocados are as large as possible. This will make the hole larger. 
If you can only find medium avocados you can scoop* out some of the flesh to make a bigger space to fit the egg.
Get smaller eggs
Make sure your eggs are as small as possible. When doing this avocado egg bake recipe I had quite the trouble finding small-sized eggs. It seemed like most of the eggs in the store were large or jumbo-sized.
I finally was able to find small eggs at Whole Foods*. Using an online grocer like Amazon Fresh* or Instacart* might be helpful to find these as well.
Gadgets might help with slicing the avocados
Need help with slicing and pitting your avocados? These gadgets* might come in handy.
Prevent spills by leaning the avocadoes against each other
Lean the avocado halves against each other so the egg will not spill over. You can also place them in a baking dish before cooking to ensure they don’t fall over.
Take care when cracking the eggs
In this recipe, I cracked the egg directly into the egg. If you do this and have some of the egg white spills into the dish don’t worry. 
This happened to me even with small eggs. It will be fine as long as you get most of the egg in the avocado.
But if you are afraid of breaking the yolk you can crack the egg into a small mixing bowl* and then pour it into the avocado. You can leave behind what doesn’t fit in the avocado.
Try not to overcook your baked egg avocado boats
Check your avocado egg boats halfway through cooking at around 10 minutes to see if they are at your desired consistency if not you can cook for another 5 to 10 minutes.
Be careful placing the eggs in the oven so they don’t fall over. In this recipe I used a baking sheet but if you want to put them in a glass dish that can help the eggs from falling out.


Recipe Additions/Substitutions/Variations

Get recipe additions, substitutions, and variations in this section.
Ingredient additions
If you are missing an ingredient or don’t like something here are some alternative ingredients to use:
  • Eggs: Substitute with tofu or chickpea flour for dietary preferences.
  • Avocado: Replace with hummus or Greek yogurt for a creamy filling alternative.
  • Dried Basil: Use fresh basil leaves; adjust quantity (about three times as much) for the fresher flavor.
  • Garlic Powder: Substitute with fresh minced garlic cloves; adjust quantity to taste.
  • Dried Parsley: Use fresh chopped parsley leaves as a substitute.
Dress up your eggs with additional herbs and spices
If you want to add more pizazz to your avocado egg boats you can add additional herbs and spices or meats and cheeses. 
  • Crispy bacon for a bacon-infused version
  • Vegan cheese
  • Chives or green onions (add after cooking)
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Salt
  • Peppers
  • Chopped ham
  • Crumbled sausage
  • Greens like spinach or kale
  • Smoked salmon
  • Salsa
  • Hummus
  • Guacamole
  • Dill Dip
  • A pinch of cumin and cayenne pepper for a spicy twist
These ingredients allow you to customize your baked avocado egg boats to suit your taste preferences and experiment with various flavors and combinations.
Use scrambled eggs in the avocado egg boat recipe
If you don’t want to eat the egg white and yolk separately alternatively, you can scramble the egg and spices first. Then add the egg spice mixture to the avocado hole and bake following the recipe above.


How to store these egg-stuffed avocado

For storing leftovers:
  • Uncut raw avocados last up to two weeks in the fridge.
  • Store leftover avocado egg boats in a sealed container; they stay fresh for a week in the fridge.
  • You can freeze leftover avocado egg boats, good for about a week.
  • Consider avocado savers* for maintaining freshness.

How to reheat leftovers

You can easily reheat leftover egg boats using these various cooking methods:
  • Oven: Preheat to 350°F (175°C) and bake on a sheet for 10-15 minutes. Be cautious not to overheat the avocados.
  • Toaster Oven: Use a lower temperature, around 250°F (120°C), and cook for a few minutes.
  • Steamer: Steam for 5-7 minutes, checking for desired warmth.
  • Stovetop: Place face-down in a skillet over low-medium heat with a lid, checking until heated.
  • Air Fryer: Cook at 300°F (150°C) for 3-5 minutes.
  • Microwave (with caution): Heat in 20-30-second intervals to avoid explosions.
Remember not to overheat to maintain the desired texture. Adjust times based on your method and egg boat size, checking periodically.

Nutritional Information

*Nutritional information is estimated using Nutrifox nutrition label maker*

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This recipe was originally published on August 4, 2022. It has been updated to reflect a clearer outline, new photos, and recipe notes.

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